1.4.0 Added a new dialog 'uRADMonitor Network' that can be used to list all devices from the uRADMonitor network. Application settings from the `config.xml` file are stored (and migrated automatically) into a JSON file named `uRADMonitorX.json`. Fixed an issue that was causing the application to be restored outside the visible area of the screen. Fixed an issue that was causing the taskbar application icon to be blurred. Measurements retrieved from uRADMonitor devices are using internally the `decimal` type representation instead of `double`. Code refactoring and optimization. Other minor improvements. 1.3.3 Improved Check for Updates functionality. Fixed blurred UI issue on high-DPI displays. Fixed a bug that was causing a high rate data polling when data fetch was unsuccessful immediately after the application was started. Added Git commit hash and branch name to the assembly info / About dialog. Code refactoring and optimization. 1.3.2 Updated View device online data sub-menu entries. Improved Check for Updates functionality. 1.3.1 Added more conversion units (hPa, mbar) for pressure. Fixed compatibility issue with firmware version 138 for model A. 1.2.0 Fixed an issue with 'Check for updates' due to GitHub API no longer supporting requests made with TLSv1 / TLSv1.1. Show timestamp of the last successful data fetch in the tooltip text of the system tray icon when an error occurs. 1.1.2 Added a fix for A3 model with firmware version 119. Fixed minor bug under Linux. Minor UI changes. 1.1.1 Added partial support for A3 model. Fixed minor bug. 1.1.0 Added data logging. Minor improvements. 1.0.2 Minor improvements. 1.0.0 Added 'Check for updates' feature. 0.40.0 Improved compatibility with Mono for running under Linux. 0.39.4 Fixed a bug that caused application to still be visible in ALT+TAB dialog when 'Start uRADMonitorX minimized' was enabled. 0.39.3 Added date and time to notification message. 0.39.2 Expanded 'View device online data' menu item to work with the new www.uradmonitor.com API. 0.39.1 Fixed a bug in CreateFile() method in XMLSettings.cs. 0.39.0 Changed license to GNU GPLv2 (added README.md, LICENSE, COPYING, CHANGELOG.md files to solution directory). Added system tray notifications when temperature/radiation readings are reaching the configured threshold. Added tooltips (balloons) for textbox inputs in 'Device configuration' dialog when invalid values are entered. System tray context menu is shown on the right side of the mouse cursor. Fixed a bug when validating device IP Address in 'Device configuration' dialog. Other minor improvements. 0.37.0 Added keyboard shortcut (F9) to minimize application. Added ToolTip text for system tray (notification area) icon. Added a new system tray icon that is shown when an error occurs. Added support for specifying port number along with IP address (e.g.: Log events when ServerResponseCode is not 200 (OK). Improved compatibility with other uRADMOnitor device models. Added 'View device online data' item in Tools menu. Added command line parameter for advanced usage (not documented). Code refactoring and optimization. 0.35.0 Fixed a bug when 'Start uRADMonitorX with Windows' option was unchecked, startup registry key was not deleted from Windows registry. Fixed radiation unit cpm (counts per minute) to be showed in lower case instead of upper case. Fixed 'Pressure' label is disabled (grayed out) when device has no pressure sensor. 0.33.0 Fixed a bug in logging function. Improved UI/UX. 0.28.0 First preview version. No release history before this.